$10,800 CHANEL Double Flap Classic Medium black caviar bag gold hw

$10,black chanel bag cost800 CHANEL Quilted double Flap Shoulder Bag bag
We do not ship to po box.
Ebay Collect sale tax and pay diirectly to irs
Year: 2018
We dont take offer.
This bag was authenticated by ebay.
Excellent preowned. Unnoticeable scratches on exterior and inner flap.
Current retail price:$ 10,800 (the price went up on Mar-26-2024)
Brand: Chanel
Color: black
More videos or pictures of this item are available upon request
Condition: excellent preowned. Unnoticeable Signs of use on exterior and interior and hardware.
This is buy it now and immediate payment is required.
Clean inside out.
Listing includes the Chanel bag, card, box, the dustbag. Booklet.
Height: 6 inches x length 10 inches x 2.6 depth
Style: Shoulder bag
We sell and crossposted our products every where and we try to update the availability as soon as we can.
No international shipping.
WE will ship with signature confirmation and insurance from CampbellCalifornia. We ALWAYS film at the fedex and post on youtube same day when we wrap to avoid fraud and for protection for both buyer and seller.
Buyers with less than 10 feedbacks need to contact me before making purchase.
We reserve the right not to sell to any buyers if we see there is suspicious activity on buyer profile.
Ebay will authenticate for you. Just buy on ebay.
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